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Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

Points Arising for October 1675

Players' deadline for November 1675 is 3rd May 2024

Thanks to everybody who contributed to the trial. We've got another one coming up.

And that was Mike Clibborn-Dyer retiring Gaz Moutarde to take up a new character.

Newer players (and me) may want to check the rules for horse races - section 25 of the house rules.

You may have spotted that it's taking me longer and longer to write up the reports. So I'm going to try something different next time. I'll publish what I use as raw materials for the report - this will give the bare bones who was where and did what. I'll then write a shorter report to flesh that out. Let's see how that works.

Absent friends

I didn't receive orders from the following (No Move Received – NMR) and they suffered the consequences:
    JPLM Jean-Paul LeMon (Terry Crook) has NMR'd. Total now 1
    OLS Octo Lucretius Souris (Olaf Schmidt) has NMR'd. Total now 1


There’s an email group for En Garde! players and GMs, providing a forum to swap stories and ideas. Sign up at:

It is worth sending orders in even if they're a day or two late: it's possible I can still action the orders and will probably be able to use any press. It also reassures me that you're still out there.

Orders (and press) should be emailed to the LPBS orders e-mail address - you'll get an automated response when the message arrives in my mailbox. Please give your name and your character's name and specify actions in full detail. If you want a query answered before the deadline, please use the main LPBS email address.