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Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

Players' Press for August 1675

Sections: Announcements, Blatant Brown-nosing, Despatches from the Front, Matters of Honour, Military Missives, Ministerial Correspondence, Personal, Poetry Corner, Social


His Majesty's premier regiment is seeking officers and men.
Apply RFG HQ.
† Beau Reese Jean Seine, Officer Commanding

Colonel, I hereby apply for the position as Regimental Adjutant of the QOC.
† Cpt Asiouar (CA)

Applicants sought for the post of Chancellor. Apply to the Minister of State.
† Count Beau Reese Jean Seine

** Join the QOC **
Gentleman of Paris, if you are new to the city or are looking for a new Regiment, then you can do no better than join the Queen's Own Carabiniers.
Please contact me for more details, and some financial help is available.
† Viscount Thyme

** Aide Required **
I am looking for a competent aide.
Please contact me with your credentials
† (Brevet) Bdr-General Viscount Thyme


Bringing the boys home!
To celebrate the victorious return of the GDMD and remember the fallen of this mighty crusade of ours, I hereby invite all soldiers of the GDMD and all other officers of SL 6 and above into my club in week 2.
As we all want to be civilised and well-mannered, the hooligans of the ALC are, as always, excluded.
Ladies welcome, all drinks will be on me. For those with an adventurous palate some Dutch cheeses, pancakes and smoked sausages will be provided, prepared by our very own POW chef who wasted his talents being drafted into a Dutch Fusilier regiment.
I hope to see you in numbers.
† Sir Louis Severin Descartes,
Br Brigadier General GDMD

All officers and men of the 3rd Foot Brigade are welcome to dine with me at my club in week 3. Drinks on me.
† TdlL

Soldiers of the Cavalry Division:
    As we prepare for the final month of the summer campaign, I wish to let you know of a small matter that will be relevant in September.
    Any soldier serving in any capacity associated with the Cavalry Division in August will be welcome to a reception at Bothwell's which I will host in the second week of September.
† Lt. General Sir Jacques Hatt

You are cordially invited to a splendid soirée hosted by Viscount Brevet Brigadier Ben e'Volence, Minister of War, set to take place at the exquisite Fleur during the third week of September 1675. This grand event welcomes the esteemed Gentlemen of Paris (no Minimum SL), encompassing even the members of the woeful 53rd Fusiliers (whose attendance shall be graciously tolerated in recognition of their service at the front). Accompanying ladies are most welcome. A sumptuous array of refreshments will be provided to delight your senses. Join us for an evening of unparalleled elegance and social delight.

Congratulations to all the brave men of the Second Army; exceedingly well done, chaps. Party at my club when we return to Paris.
All are welcome, and their ladies, to raise a glass with me during September week 2, to celebrate our victory at Salzbach; the drinks are on me.
† Baron Louis Renault

All gentlemen of Paris who have campaigned this Summer are invited to my club as guests in the third week of September to raise a glass to the fallen and those who have come home covered in glory! Lady companions also most welcome.
† Capt. Neville Moore, RFG.

The Minister of State invites all members of the RFG, Ministers of the Crown and returning soldiers to a party at his club to discuss the summer campaign. Drinks will be provided for guests and their lady companions.
† Beau Reese Jean Seine

Military Missives

Cher Monsieur,
Having the honour to take over command of the GDMD this month, I would be honoured to accept you as a new recruit.
Someone of your standing and military abilities would make an excellent Regimental Adjutant, if you might be interested.
I would be happy to throw in a horse from the regimental stables.
    God with you,
† Louis Severin Descartes
LtColonel GDMD

Honoured Colonel
I am deeply grateful for you having me in your thoughts for this noble position and would be more than happy to accept such should it be possible.
I shall of course have to obtain some additional funds from the gentlemen to do justice to your noble regiment.
    Your obedient servant,
† Grenville d'Arkrite


Gentlemen, is your Mistress disappointed in your performance?
Worry no more, Botte Le Chimiste can help with the latest pills from an apothecary on the Via Arga in Milan. Only 10Cr a bottle.
Hurry! Supplies are limited.

Dear Field Marshal De Gain
I trust you are well. This DOMINION plot goes to the very heart of our Government - I cannot trust names to paper. If I survive this, I will seek an early audience with you one-to-one to discuss what I have discovered.
    Tread carefully,
† Lt Colonel Chevalier-Cavalier, Dragoon Guards

Poetry Corner

(All signed poetry submissions gain their author at least 1 SP)

Xavier, Jean-Claude, Pierre and Lou,
They may all be just names to you,
With Phillipe, Eclaire, Ray, Maurice,
They died for France, now rest in peace.