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Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

Players' Press for November 1675

Sections: Announcements, Blatant Brown-nosing, Despatches from the Front, Matters of Honour, Military Missives, Ministerial Correspondence, Personal, Poetry Corner, Social


Aide sought by Brigadier-General. Apply RFG HQ.

Lt General's Aide sought for the upcoming campaign.
Bullet Dodgers need not apply.
Siege Operations Experience preferred but not mandatory.
Shovels Supplied.
Apply immediately.
† Lt Gen Turenne

Officers and Men sought for France's Finest Regiment. Financial assistance available for the deserving.

            ** Join the QOC **
Gentleman of Paris, if you are new to the city or are looking for a new Regiment, then you can do no better than join the Queen's Own Carabiniers.
Please contact me for more details, and some financial help is available.
† Viscount Thyme

            ** Aide Required **
I am looking for a competent aide.
Please contact me with your credentials.
† (Brevet) Bdr-General Viscount Thyme

Matters of Honour

To LSD and AlCh
I hope it is not too much of an imposition for me to ask you to be my seconds.

Dear Captain Yve Stanbul,
I heard of your confrontation with Lt.Colonel Chevalier-Cavalier. I hope your cuts were only superficial and that you will recuperate soon. You should not be engaging with these boorish brutes from the Dragoon Guards alone. I offer you my rapier and to act as your second. I would prefer you to survive long enough to serve as my aide against the Spanish this summer.
    Regards, † Lieutenant-General Louis Renault

While Baron Rental can chirrup and whistle peevishly as he chooses, it really will not do to insult a lady.
"Prize Sow" indeed! I think that chastisement is called for. My friends will call on your friends. Or at least, people you have met.
† TdlL

Dear Lieutenant-General Renault,
Thank you so much for your kind offer to be my Second. May I return the favour?
    Yours Etc,
† Captain Yve Stanbul


Gentlemen of Paris,
During week one, Miss Nifisent and I will attend mass to commemorate the Feast Day of Saint Nicholas of Myra. We cordially invite you to join us in our devotions to this beloved patron saint of children. After the service, we will have a small gathering at my club, where we will serve a delectable array of traditional dishes and drinks to celebrate this occasion. We would be honoured if you and your ladies would join us as our guests.
Unfortunately, this invitation does not include members of the Dragoon Guards, who insist on trying to put holes in my aide, Captain Stanbul.
† Baron Louis Renault

Party at my club in week 1 of December for Ministers and members of the Guards Brigade.

Military Missives

Subaltern Dichateme,
If you are still interested, I would be happy to take you on as Aide to Br General this month.
I can also provide you with a loan if you want, and enable you to join my horse race.
Sometimes we have to help those young newcomers to get started.
    Let me know,
† Louis Severin Descartes, Br Brig-Gen GDMD, QMG Field Army


Primus: You know this treason thingy?
Secundus: Yes.
Primus: Have you noticed how the CPS - supposedly a force for justice - accuses upright citizens?
Secundus: Yes.

Jean D'Aubergine had perched at the doorstep of the lady Freda de Ath for over an hour, his face obscured by a towering bouquet, two boxes of finery, and a silver statuette of a deer with an only slightly misshapen front left hoof. He had only glimpsed the lady from a distance earlier that week but had appraised her sturdy and slow enough in step that he might keep up with her, should they ever be seen in public strolling together. These, he had concluded, were sufficient qualities of character to wager the investment into the armloads of gifts he had hauled to her door, through the otherwise silent streets, that early October morning.
That de Ath had proved receptive was a profound astonishment for the slow-witted Breton, but more so her refusal to accept his overflowing heap of offerings. That the lady came from a family far better equipped with land and larder than that of even his own father had not occurred to the bastard lad when he sought Freda's ardour, and now he found himself quite surprisingly in the company of a woman who was not only smarter, for this was indeed quite usual, but far wealthier than he. "Wherever shall I sell this benighted silver deer" he mused to himself, as he shuffled along after Freda on their way to the Frog and Peach. "And who in the devil would purchase second-hand flowers?"

Dear Claude de Nord,
Please let me know if you wish me to find a cure for the treasonous Chevalier-Cavalier, as suggested by Dr. Antoine Faquin.
† Justin Thyme

Lord Percy Percy says, as fashion tends towards the uniformed, Thomas de la Lune is particularly fashionable.

Note attached to a parcel delivered to His Majesty:
"This is the first sabre I purchased when I joined your armed forces many years ago. It is the same sabre that I have used in every campaign I have been on in your name.
"Both times I was prevented from going on campaign as your Field Marshal it has stood at my side hilted when it wished to sing.
"It has never been used without your order or in your name.
"It has and always will belong to you.
    Yours faithfully,
† Pierre Cardigan"

Scene jokingly mentioned to Colonel at breakfast while Grenville was out of earshot...
    "That Arkrite fellow... My groom said to me this morning he went into the stables at Sparrow's Fart... wherever that is... almost gave the grooms a heart attack; got them together thus...
   "Listen up O servants of Equus, I know some of you may think of yourselves as near the least important of the Regiment; but there is a race to be run and here is a chance for you to add honour to her and to yourselves.
    "I, and thereby you, are responsible for the Horses and stables. It is not for me to teach you your trade but there will be a reward in real as well as in terms of honour for each well-kept stable, immaculately turned-out steed and dutiful team.
    "I will be keeping watch and leave nearby a corporal and some troopers to assist if necessary. See that the stalls are clean and tidy, that all water, straw and hay are fresh. Check each time you feed for any odd contents. Observe carefully any strangers and report anything suspicious to the officer in charge of security.
    "I want each team to cooperate and turn out the best possible looking horses. Brushed in the right direction, cleanly washed eyes, snout and underneath, tails and main properly oiled and platted. All tack shiny clean and supple. Numnahs and horse blankets of uniform colour, Hooves checked and cleaned out... No missing nails, please, and use the right shoes. Head groom to check the ground and see any needed adjustments are made. Report to me any gossip you hear from the other stables but don't give anything away. Make sure the gentlemen riders know the state of the ground and nature of the competition
    "I will be inspecting prior to the race and award 5 crowns for each well turned-out horse and rider. After the race there will be another award for horses placed. So be a party to the Honour of the Regiment.
    "That is all for now."

    "Well, what do you think of that then?"
    "Fellow must be mad."

My Dear Count e'volence
I must apologise for the behaviour of my son Micheal. The poor boy is suffering, according to my experts including the revered Dr Coin-Coin, from some sort of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. I suspect he is refusing to attach the leeches again. He has always been a fantasist; as a boy he and his cousin Kit were convinced that a cart could transform itself into a self-propelled black metallic tube on wheels that could travel at incredible speeds and talk to them. He has always had a strong allergy to cheese after an unfortunate incident with an over-ripe Camembert that I need not bore you with the details of. I fear his PSD has only made things worse.
I will give him a stern telling off when he returns home.
† Baron Devon Miles Chevalier-Cavalier

Poetry Corner

(All signed poetry submissions gain their author at least 1 SP)

The staff at Fleur will only greet
And admit the French elite.
If you are a man of taste,
Then to Bothwell's you should hasten.
QOC or Dragoons' Tabard?
You'll find a welcome in the Horse Guards.
Blue Gables out of reach?
Maybe join the Frog and Peach,
Or Red Philips may accept your sub.
Failing that you'll have no club.
In that case, should you wish to carouse,
You'll need to attend a bawdyhouse.