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Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

Being a correspondence game of En Garde! run by Pevans since April 1986 and now published as part of To Win Just Once.

If you'd like to play, you'll need to subscribe to TWJO (follow the link for details). You will need a copy of the rules to En Garde! - or at least access to a copy. The additional rules for LPBS are available as a PDF document. (You will need Adobe Reader to view this: it is available free from Adobe.)

Orders for December 1675 to LPBS, 180 Aylsham Drive, UXBRIDGE UB10 8UF or the LPBS orders e-mail address by 14th June 2024.

Game Report for November 1675

Sections: Duels, Trials, Appointments and Regiments, What happened in Paris, What happened at the front.

As Autumn draws to an end, the days are noticeably shorter and mornings are chilly. Though not everybody huddling themselves in a cloak is just feeling the cold - some are concealing the weaponry they're taking to a clandestine conference. Yes, there are duels to be fought.

Let us start with Captain Yve Stanbul of the Queen's Own Carabiniers. He expects a meeting with Jean-Paul LeMon, Captain of the Dragoon Guards and thus Stanbul's enemy. However, LeMon has found the temperature too low (or something) and is absent. Never mind, Stanbul has another Dragoon Guard to meet: Lieutenant-Colonel Michael Chevalier-Cavalier. There is not much to choose between the two combatants wielding their regimental sabres. Chevalier-Cavalier attacks from the off, launching into a full-throated furious slash. Stanbul waits a beat and then does the same, ensuring that his opponent will always strike first. They exchange slashes and C-C lands his cut. Stanbul concedes the fight.

Energised by that exchange, Chevalier-Cavalier cleans his blade and awaits his next opponent, and Stanbul's colleague, Captain Come Asiouar. This Carabinier comes with an escort: Guards Brigadier Zeold von Tu is his second. Again, it seems an even fight, though Asiouar has the greater swordsmanship. Again, the fight is hard and fast with an exchange of furious slashes. This time Asiouar's skill enables him to strike first. Hit by the slash, Chevalier-Cavalier immediately knows his adversary's strength, but does not falter in his attack. Asiouar's cut is truly a mighty blow and Chevalier-Cavalier falls lifeless to the ground.

Justin Thyme, commander of the Queen's Own, was next in line to take on Chevalier-Cavalier and is left with conflicting emotions. Dismay that he does not get to use the witty repartee he had prepared and delight at his junior officer's proficiency.

Hugh Jeneaux may not have been in Paris very long, but the new Major in Archduke Leopold's Cuirassiers has a knack for antagonising people and a long list of duel opponents. However, he also has friends: both Beau Nidle and Thierry Boule (of the other Cuirassier regiment) are his seconds. For his first bout, Jeneaux chooses the lightly-built Ian Dediette, who has neither the skill nor the seconds of the Cuirassier. And he plies a rapier against the cavalry sabre. Jeneaux appears to go easy on this underdog, lunging with the blunt tip of his rapier to match Dediette's lunge with his rapier point. Both men hit, but Dediette surrenders.

Pressing business (or some such) has kept Dediette's second opponent, Gaston de Boum, away from their meeting so this is re-scheduled for December.

Jeneaux's next should be Alvin Charles, but the Grand Duke Max's Lt-Colonel is not interested in taking him on.

Hence it is Elroi le Flingue, a mere Captain in the GDMD, who squares up to Jeneaux next. The difference in size is now the other way round as Flingue easily out-bulks the Cuirassier. And he uses a sabre to match Jeneaux, though he has no seconds. Strangely, Jeneaux opts to lunge again, an attack that Flingue dodges with ease. The two exchange slashes; Jeneaux's being just the start of a furious slash. His cut strikes next, but Flingue shrugs off the blow and slashes again. Jeneaux decides enough is enough and concedes.

Given his injuries, Jeneaux declines to meet either Botte Le Chimiste or Grenville d'Arkrite. His appointment with Gaston de Boum is postponed to December.

The best-known regimental rivalry in Paris is that between the Cardinal's Guard and the King's Musketeers. Thus it is no surprise that members of these regiments have duels this month. Lt-Col Louis Joseph Reignaux represents the Cardinal's men and has two Musketeers to fight. He opts to face KM Lt-Col Frank X Change first: two beefy men going at each other with rapiers. It turns out that Change has the superior expertise as well as two seconds (KM CO Claude de Nord and GDMD CO Louis Severin Descartes) against Reignaux's one (CG CO Zeold von Tu). Change is conventional, going for a straightforward lunge. He is surprised to find Reignaux's boot approaching his midriff with speed. His sideways stance saves him from the full impact of the kick even as his rapier opens a large gash in Reignaux's thigh. As Reignaux hops about to regain his balance and stop the bleeding, Change runs him through. Reignaux has had enough. He surrenders and goes in search of a surgeon, leaving Claude de Nord without an opponent - though he does have an impatient second, "Tiny" Thierry Toothpick: "We've Cardigan to convict!"

The final bout this month is between Subaltern Jon Dichateme of the Fourth Arquebusiers and Subaltern Thierry Boule of the Crown Prince Cuirassiers. It's the biggest mis-match of all: man-mountain Boule versus titchy Dichateme. To make things worse for the little man, Boule is more skilled with his sabre than Dichateme is with his rapier. What's more, Dichateme has no support while Major Beau Nidle and Lt-Col Stephane Etrange second their colleague. Trying to put a brave face on it, Dichateme braces himself and concedes as soon as Boule hits him with a slash.

Pipe and slippers, but no Cardigan

Excitement builds in Paris as the trial of the esteemed Count Pierre Cardigan approaches. A large crowd gathers outside the courthouse, but spaces in the public gallery are limited. Inside, the prosecution gets itself organised and sends guards to make sure the witnesses can get through the throng. Those of the public who do get in, including Frank X Change and Henri DuShite, are surprised by the recent work that's gone on. The prisoner's dock has been transformed into a large upright coffin, draped in black ribbon and funerial accoutrements including a brass plaque with the words "Here rests Pierre Cardigan, a Cad and a Count. RIP 1st November 1675". Word quickly spreads (because he's telling everyone) that the 'Deputy Commissioner' has financed this.

Since the defendant is a man of no little standing in Paris, it is no surprise when an elegant, but unmarked coach arrives at the Bastille gates: "Collecting Count Cardigan," the driver growls at the guards, gesturing at his mounted escort. The officer of the day is informed and appears with the prisoner - unshackled and well-dressed as befits his rank. "You're a bit early," he remarks. "Traffic's terrible in the centre," responds the driver. "Got to allow for delays." The prisoner is duly bundled into the coach, the driver cracks his whip and the whole party trots off.

The officer of the day watches the coach speed out of sight. As he turns to re-enter the fortress, another fine coach appears. This one bears the crest of the Commissioner of Public Safety and has a black-clad escort. It pulls up in front of the puzzled guards and an official jumps out: "We're here for Cardigan..."

Back at the courthouse, Minister of State Beau Reese Jean Seine has arrived and is relaxing preparing in the judge's chambers. The caterers have laid on a decent spread. Inside the packed courtroom an excited murmuring goes around the public gallery. Rumour has it that the Commissioner of Public Safety, Sir Claude de Nord, is to pass over prosecuting duties to his diminutive underling, Deputy Commissioner Captain Tiny Thierry Toothpick, a fellow short in stature but large in enthusiasm for the task at hand. Or so he says.

The arrival of an empty coach at the prisoners' entrance of the court tells officials that something is amiss. A hasty conference between prosecution and judge ("I wondered why there were no defence lawyers") brings agreement to proceed with the defendant in absentia. Commissioner de Nord returns to the courtroom, followed, moments later, by Minister of State Count Seine and both take up their respective seats. However, there is no Deputy Toothpick...

Then the sound of a funeral dirge drifts in, the doors are flung open and a host of people make entrance. First through the doors comes a six-piece band, comprised of short people dressed in black mourning garb but with glimpses of orange uniforms peeping out from underneath their costumes. Behind them come five other short people, four of these are bare-chested and painted red with small horns sticking out of the sides of their heads, forked tails attached to their black shorts and each clutching a small pitchfork. The fifth is dressed as the Grim Reaper and carries a mini scythe. Finally, born upon the shoulders of a couple of tall men in orange uniforms and making care to properly duck his head as he enters, appears Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety Captain Tiny Thierry Toothpick of His Majesty's Royal Foot Guards.

 "Make way, make way," cry the pair of tall bearers, "for Deputy Commissioner Toothpick." They carry the Deputy over to the Prosecutors' Table and make him comfortable on the seat next to actual Commissioner de Nord, ensuring a suitable pile of cushions are in situ to assist his elevation to the table's edge.

Commissioner de Nord stands to address the Court. He bows towards MoS Seine and says, "Your Grace, today's case is that of one Count Pierre Cardigan, a man with a long history in Paris, but a history that is besmirched by numerous judicial infringements that have finally caught up with him. He faces the heinous and most serious charge of Treason, namely for the murder of past Commissioner of Public Safety, Marquis Sheikh Yadik al-Abowt, a loyal servant of His Majesty. For the Prosecution, I will be passing over today's proceedings to my extremely keen Deputy, Captain Toothpick. An officer from your own regiment, if I may add, Your Grace, and a fellow who has spent many hours researching the crimes of Count Cardigan". At this CPS de Nord retakes his seat and all eyes fall upon his diminutive Deputy, whose forehead, eyes and nose can be seen peeking above the tabletop.

At a click of his fingers, Toothpick is attended to by his bearers who lift him up onto the table itself, "Minister Seine, Commissioner de Nord, Court Officials and people in the public gallery", he begins. "This is an open and shut case. It is probably the most straightforward case ever to come before this Court, for there is no doubt, no question, no contest that the defendant," he turns to glare at the empty dock/coffin, "was responsible for the death, the murder, of His Majesty's former Commissioner of Public Safety, Marquis al-Abowt. Neither the passage of time nor any subsequent lies or excuses that the prisoner may seek to give in evidence can alter the truth. The fact that his hands are forever stained red by the good Marquis's blood whom HE," Toothpick's shrill voice rises as he shrieks. "HE, that despicable rogue, never gave a chance in a duel. No he didn't. And in a duel where the Marquis's second was not present, having just been killed at the Front, this swine took advantage of said fact while, at the same time, sticking two fingers up at the etiquette of duelling itself that dictates a duellist should not kill an opponent who has offered a surrender. I read all about it in a book that I found at the Bastille, this book here." He produces a red, leather-bound book marked 'Evidence for the arrest of Pierre Cardigan' and continues. "A book compiled by another previous CPS, one Commissioner Fluff-Bunny, who was in the stages of bringing an arrest of the prisoner when he, too, was killed and thus prevented from doing so. That very fact extremely suspicious in itself, if you ask me! Then along came another advocate for the law, my own predecessor as Deputy Commissioner, former Lt Colonel Tarquin le Hatter, who the prisoner is well known for leading a campaign of gross bullying against, seeking to duel him virtually every month as he knew, without doubt, that le Hatter had found the same book detailing the prisoner's crimes.

 "All this further goes to show the nature of this villain. He's rotten to the core and will only continue to taint Paris with his presence as long as he remains alive... and that's where you come in Your Grace," says Toothpick, bowing respectfully towards MoS Seine. "It is in your hands to put quill to paper and pop your signature on the old dotted line at the bottom, after the bit where it says 'And the Sentence is Death' and let me take care of the rest. You're known across Paris to be a Just man, Your Grace, very respected, although I'm sad to report that there have been certain rumblings of discontent following the trial of the Rent Boy Chevalier, or whatever his name is, last month and certain persons were mentioning too lenient, starting to lose it a bit, should chop a few more heads off etc. Of course that's all nonsense, as I know that you're the best and, by being the best, you know when it's time to make an example. I'm sure you realise there can be no better time than today to show you've still got it, as they say: DEATH, Your Grace... DEEEEAAATTTTHHHH." Spittle flies from his little lips as his face flushes red and Deputy Toothpick jumps up and down upon the table and the band begins its funeral dirge music again.

 "The Prosecution rests its case and may the Almighty have mercy upon the prisoner's soul, but not too much"!

The sudden silence sees Beau Reese Jean Seine start and look up from his rapier sharpening. He quickly gathers himself. "His Majesty recently indicated to me," he observes, "that there had been too few executions in Paris recently. Given the timing, I can only think he was referring to this case. The accused is therefore found guilty. The sentence is death. Should he ever show his face in France again."

Meanwhile, its path cleared by armed horsemen, an unmarked coach has arrived at a riverside wharf. A finely-dressed man descends from the vehicle and hands a long, narrow package to one of the escort. They exchange bows and the horseman gallops off towards the Louvre. The rest of the men assist their leader into a sleek launch and then man the oars. In a matter of minutes, they are boarding a ship midstream that's already unfurling its sails. The launch is set adrift, the ship slips its anchor and gathers speed downstream...

Cuirassiers on the march

A cavalryman charges forwardHugo Furst decides it's time to start a military career and applies to the Picardy Musketeers. They turn him down. He strides down the road to the 13th Fusiliers' barracks where he is signed up immediately. With cash to spare, he buys himself the rank of Major.

Octo Lucretius Souris has no such trouble as Ben e'Volence admits him to the Crown Prince Cuirassiers. He's just a trooper, though. He's assigned to 1st squadron, which means he gets to stay in Paris when the CO takes 3rd squadron to join the action.

First squadron of the other Cuirassier regiment, Archduke Leopold's, is also on the march, led by squadron commander Major Hugh Jeneaux. Jeneaux had hoped to be commanding the whole regiment, but there's a Lt-Colonel in the way.

Louis Joseph Reignaux does command a regiment, the Cardinal's Guard, and volunteers it for a month's active service.

Further up the chain of command, Guards Brigadier Zeold von Tu appoints Martin de Garnache as Brigade Major.

And Brigadier-General Louis Severin Descartes makes 4th Arquebusier Subaltern Jon Dichateme his Aide.

To the races

The big event this month is unquestionably the horse race sponsored by Louis Severin Descartes at the end of the month. Though Louis is to be found in the Fleur at the start of the month, entertaining the lovely (okay, rich) Edna Bucquette. The quality of the entertainment is somewhat in doubt as others in the club overhear comments about "reverse head-and-shoulders patterns", "Chancellor speak" and speculation where the interest rate of the treasury bonds may be going next year.

Also in November, we have Louis Renault and Maggie Nifisent's bash at Bothwell's. Billed as "polite discussion and Whist", it lives up to this - until some fool leads the Queen of Spades. Despite the generally genteel ambience, Grenville d'Arkrite is refused entry as he doesn't have the minimum social standing that Louis expects.

It's not a good month for Grenville as he was left outside the Fleur de Lys the week before. His expected host, Beau Reese Jean Seine, simply isn't there. Joining him in the street is "Tiny" Thierry Toothpick, whose boss, CPS Claude de Nord, is not accepting guests whatever the diminutive one wants.

A couple of weeks later, Tiny tries again, but is still not welcome. This time he's standing around with Jean Jeanie, who was expecting Zavier Ulric Turenne to admit him. However, Zavier is Toadying to Greg de Bécqueur this week and thus not in a position to accept guests.

Who was where - in the clubs


Where           Week 1           Week 2           Week 3           Week 4            

Fleur de Lys    JJ + Jacky       HDS + Justine    TC + Kathy       HDS + Justine     

                JiT + Guinevere  CdP + Morgane    HDS + Justine    CdP + Morgane     

                RS + Therèse                      BRJS

                GdB + Bette                       GdB + Bette       

                CdN + Madelaine                   . ZUT + Laura       

                CdP + Morgane                     CdN + Madelaine   

                BdLS                              CdP

                . ZUT + Laura       


Outside Fleur   GdA (BRJS)                        JJ (ZUT)

                TTT (CdN)                         TTT (CdN)


Bothwell's      ZvT + Lucy       LR + Maggie      ZvT + Lucy       

                . MdG + Fifi     . ZUT + Laura    LR + Maggie      

                LSD + Edna       . FS + Pet                        

                JH + Cath        . JiT + Guinevere                 

                LR + Maggie      . TTT + Sue                       

                                 . YS + Sheila                     

                                 . HWB                     

                                 . SE + Thomasina          

                                 . AlCh                    

                                 . MdG + Fifi              

                                 . LSD + Edna              

                                 . GdB + Bette             

                                 . CdN + Madelaine         


Outside Bothwell's               GdA (LR)


Hunter's        TdlL + Katy      TdlL + Katy      TdlL + Katy        

                HWB                               SE + Thomasina   

                . AlCh

                FXC + Frances     

                SE + Thomasina   


Blue Gables     YS + Sheila                       YS + Sheila      


Frog & Peach    TB + Belle       JPLM             TB + Belle       

                JdA + Freda      JdA + Freda       


Red Phillips    PPuf + Viv       PPuf + Viv       PPuf + Viv       PPuf + Viv

                                                  ID               ID


Prix d’Or       BRJS (G-3)                                           LSD + Edna

                                                                   . ZUT + Laura

                                                                   . TPN + Angelina

                                                                   . BN

                                                                   . JJ + Jacky

                                                                   . HF

                                                                   . FS + Pet

                                                                   . JPLM

                                                                   . TdlL(G+200) + Katy

                                                                   . JiT + Guinevere

                                                                   . TB + Belle

                                                                   . TTT + Sue

                                                                   . YS + Sheila

                                                                   . HWB

                                                                   . OLS

                                                                   . SE

                                                                   . AlCh

                                                                   . BLC

                                                                   . JdA + Freda

                                                                   . ElF

                                                                   . MdG + Fifi

                                                                   . GdB + Bette

                                                                   . CdN + Madelaine

                                                                   . GdA

                                                                   . CA

                                                                   . LR + Maggie



Shows who was in or outside a club: . = Toady to character above;
(G±n) = Gambled and winnings/loss; CP = Crown Prince; (id) = expected host.

Horses, horses, everywhere

And so to the race. Sponsored to the tune of 1,000 crowns by the commander of the Grand Duke Max's Dragoons, Louis Severin Descartes, the race is being run not just for the prize money, but for the Grand Duke Max Trophy. It attracts a total of 23 entrants, including Louis himself, and a few spectators: Jean d'Aubergine, Louis Renault and Martin de Garnache with their respective ladies. Louis has marshalled the members of his regiment to keep an eye on things before the race. Thus, Alvin Charles is making sure none of Archduke Leo's men show their faces. Botte Le Chimiste keeps an eye on the horses to ensure no doping.

Joint favourites before the race starts are Alvin Charles and Justin Thyme. Both are lightweight cavalrymen with some decent skills. Bottom of the rankings is the CPS, Claude de Nord, despite his bright pink silks. He's really not a horseman, which may be why he's called his mount "Nourriture pour chien". Edna Bucquette starts the race and the riders sprint for the first corner in a pretty tight bunch. A deal of jostling follows as they round the turn. First onto the back straight are indeed Alvin and Charles. Louis Severin Descartes and Tiny Thierry are just behind them, with Beau Nidle, Jean Jeanie and Zavier Ulric Turenne on their tails. Elroi le Flingue, Hugo Furst and Jean-Paul LeMon make up the next group. Then it's Come Asiouar, Greg de Bécqueur, Thibault Pinot-Noir (on his new horse, Sailing Away) and Yve Stanbul. They're just ahead of Felipe Savant and Thierry Boule with seven more bunched behind them at the back.

The gallop down the back straight sees the horses spread out more. Alvin is first into the final bend, with Jean now just half a length behind, his horse spraying froth as it gives its all. Louis SD and Tiny maintain their places a length down on the leader and have been joined by Zavier. Justin's horse doesn't seem to realise it's in a race and he's fallen back to be caught by Elroi, Jean-Paul and Yve - another whose horse is at peak gallop.

Beau is struggling, too, and now has Come, Greg and Thibault alongside him. Hugo and the speedy Thomas de la Lune are just behind them. Then it's Felipe and the swift Grenville d'Arkrite. Claude is half a length down on them. Octo Lucretius Souris is really struggling and is on his own at the back, behind the almost-last group of four: Botte Le Chimiste, Hector William Boone, Stephane Etrange (still clutching a bottle of wine - he's consuming conspicuously!) and Thierry.

More bruises are accumulated as the racers round the final bend. The dash for the line sees Zavier get the most from his mount and pull ahead to cross the line first. Alvin can't maintain his pace, but stays on Zavier's tail to finish just half a length behind. Unfortunately, he's joined on the line by the fast-charging Elroi and Tiny. Race sponsor Louis comes in fifth, just out of winning his own prize. Beau and Come are just behind him, Hugo, Justin, Jean and Thibault bunched closely together as joint 8th. Jean's horse is clearly in trouble to have fallen this far behind. As the group slows and separates, it collapses to the ground.

Twelfth place is shared by the faltering Jean-Paul and sprinting Claude. Botte, Greg and Yve are just half a length behind. Then there's a bit of a gap before Grenville, Hector and Thomas cross the line in that order. There's then a trail of the last four runners, each half a length down on the man in front: Felipe, Thierry, Stephane and, dead last, Octo.

Race concluded, the muddy riders join the pristine spectators for a glass or three, courtesy of Louis SD. Regimental Adjutant Elroi le Flingue is in charge of this and has been having fun. So we have: a punch fountain that pours from the mouth of a 12-pounder cannon, souvenir wine flagons shaped like cavalry boots, and tiny cocktail sabres for those who favour fancy drinks. The race-goers are encouraged to fire their champagne corks at effigies dressed in captured enemy uniforms. "Fun for the whole family!" insists Elroi. As the only representative of the Dragoon Guards, Jean-Paul LeMon finds himself the target of three Queen's Own Carabiniers: Come Asiouar, Justin Thyme and Yve Stanbul. He gives as good as he gets though.

Thomas de la Lune takes Katy Did to investigate the Prix d'Or's tables. He places a series of 100-crown wagers. He's not put off by losing his first, which is good as he wins the next four. His sixth is a loss, so he gives up while he's ahead, walking away a couple of hundred crowns better off. It turns out the Minister of State, Beau Reese Jean Seine, did the same earlier in the month. He just bet one crown at a time, winning three, losing five and cutting one. That doesn't get him anywhere with the gambling crowd. Still, at least he wasn't mugged on the way home. Unlike Octo Lucretius Souris, who loses the few crowns left in his pocket after a visit to the Bawdyhouses.

Who was where - with the ladies


Where           Week 1           Week 2           Week 3           Week 4            

Violet                           ElF at home


Lois                                              JD fails


Lois's doorstep BN               HF

                HF               JD



Bess                             CA fails


Edna            Out              Out              FS fails         Out


Justine         HDS succeeds     Out              Out              Out


Shows who was with a mistress or on a doorstep: Out = Mistress with current lover;

I = Indiscreet (+ mistress name); EX-id = Pinched from former lover.


Who was where - round and about


Where           Week 1           Week 2           Week 3           Week 4            

Bawdy houses    JPLM + FC        BN + FC          HF + FC          JD

                BLC + FC         BdLS + FC        HWB + FC

                BRJS(G-3)                         OLS + FC: Mug-3

                AA + FC: Mug 0                    AlCh + FC

                ID + FC                           CA + FC


Practising      NM - Rapier      NM - Rapier      NM - Rapier      NM - Rapier

                TC - Sabre       JJ - Rapier      BN - Sabre       TC - Sabre  

                FS - Rapier      TC - Sabre       JPLM - Sabre     ZvT - Rapier

                JdG - Rapier     TB - Sabre       JiT - Sabre      FXC - Rapier

                ElF - Sabre      ZvT - Rapier     FXC - Rapier     JdG - Rapier

                CA - Sabre       FXC - Rapier     BLC - Sabre      BRJS - Rapier

                                 BLC - Sabre      JdG - Rapier     AA - Rapier

                                 JdG - Rapier     JdA - Rapier     RS - Sabre  

                                 BRJS - Rapier    AA - Rapier      JH - Sabre  

                                 AA - Rapier      ElF - Sabre      BdLS - Dagger

                                 RS - Sabre       MdG - Rapier

                                 JH - Sabre       RS - Sabre  

                                                  LSD - Sabre  

                                                  GdA - Sabre  

                                                  JH - Sabre  

                                                  BdLS - Dagger


Duties          OLS  (Reg't)     OLS  (Reg't)

                JD   (Reg't)


Riding practice TPN              TPN              TPN


Shows everybody else: FC = Female Companionship; Mug n = Mugged & amount lost;

(G±n) = Gambled and winnings/loss; Weapon = Weapon practised with.

For those doing nothing: -club = not in a club; -Cash = insufficient funds;

-SL = insufficient Social Level.

Cavalry versus wall

Troops bivouac under the spreading branches of a large treeSomewhere in the Low Countries, the French troops continue their assault on a Dutch fort. They are bolstered by the Cardinal's Guard and a couple of Cuirassier squadrons. Though how the cavalrymen will attack the ramparts isn't clear.

As it is, Lt-Colonel Louis Joseph Reignaux has a torrid time leading the Cardinal's men. Battered by enemy fire, they retire from the fray to lick their wounds. There's a brief Mention in Despatches for Reignaux ("Reignaux"). Sensing an opportunity, a strong Dutch force sallies in pursuit of the Cardinal's Guard.

They are met by First Frontier regiment along with Hugh Jeneaux's squadron of the Archduke Leopold Cuirassiers. The Dutch halt in the face of the cavalry, giving the frontier troops an easy target. Under fire, they back away and Ben e'Volence leads his squadron of Crown Prince Cuirassiers into the fray to rout the Dutch force, capturing a lot of useful equipment into the bargain.

Both e'Volence and Jeneaux are Mentioned in Despatches and get to keep a decent share of the loot. That's nearly a thousand crowns' worth for Jeneaux and over fifteen hundred for e'Volence.

Having been busted to Private last month, Balzac Slapdash is serving with Frontier regiment 3. This regiment's attack is inconclusive, but Slapdash does enough - though nobody's sure quite what - to redeem his disgrace.