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Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

Players' Press for December 1675

Sections: Announcements, Blatant Brown-nosing, Despatches from the Front, Matters of Honour, Military Missives, Ministerial Correspondence, Personal, Poetry Corner, Social


        ** Join the QOC **
Gentleman of Paris, if you are new to the city or are looking for a new Regiment, then you can do no better than join the Queen's Own Carabiniers.
Please contact me for more details, and some financial help is available.
† Viscount Thyme

        ** Aide Required **
I am looking for a competent aide.
Please contact me with your credentials.
† (Brevet) Bdr-General Viscount Thyme

Matters of Honour

Mon Ami Le Chemiste,
It will be my honour to stand at your side as second.
† BBG Descartes


Despatches from the Front

Paris has grown dull, and those fancy horse soldiers clearly need an infantryman's help with the Cloggies.
† TdlL


Gentlemen of Paris,
As Beau Reese Jean Seine has decided to open his party invitation to all, Maggie and I plan to now join the festivities at Fleur after attending Mass to commemorate the Feast Day of Saint Nicholas of Myra.
Maggie and I will now host a party at my club during week two, where we will be delighted to receive visitors and their ladies to share in a delectable array of traditional dishes and drinks to celebrate. As usual I will be responsible for settling the bill.
Unfortunately, this invitation still does not include members of the Dragoon Guards, who insist on trying to put holes in my aide, Captain Stanbul.
† Baron Louis Renault

Viscount Rick Shaw invites all of SL 15+ and their mistresses to a New Year masked ball in the fourth week of January at his club. Carousing costs will be paid for and there will be a prize for the best mask.
Food will include the recently arrived delicacy haggis de l'ecosse.

Gentlemen of Paris, if you are able
To join Hunter's or Blue Gables,
Bring your Lady and Party in January.
I'll pay your costs: Bothwell's in week three.
† Frank X Change

I trust that all honourable gentlemen of Paris (SL 9+ but of course no KMs) will join me and Lucy in week 2 of January for an Epiphany Mass at Notre Dame followed by reviving toddies at Bothwell's.
† ZvT

Happy New Year!
Having digested the first few weeks of the year and slept off the New Year's hangover, let's get together in week 4 in Bothwell's to celebrate the coming of the Year of the Lord 1676. May it bring peace and prosperity, but not that much peace that our Arms Investments stop paying dividends.
All are invited, except of course the wretched cretins of the ALC.
† Sir Louis Severin Descartes
Br Brigadier-General GDMD and Quartermaster General

    Gentlemen of Paris, once again to dispel the tedium of the long winter evenings, I have engaged the services of a renowned string quartet to entertain us at my club. Accordingly, please bring your ladies and join Maggie Nifisent and me during January week two for dinner and music. Refreshments at my expense for all gentlemen and their ladies.
† Baron Louis Renault

****** Party January Week 4 ******
Gentlemen of Paris,
Please bring your ladies and join me for a party at my club in January Week 4. Only those of Social Level 7 and above will be admitted.
    Yours etc, † YS


Baron ZUT,
Congratulations on your win at the Prix. Would you like my horse next time to give others a chance next year?
† JJ

Lettre to Count Ben e'Volence:
Please accept my deepest thanks for your support during my first month in the prestigious Crown Prince Cuirassiers.
If you ever need my assistance, please call and I will be there.
    Yours in Service,
† Octo Lucretious Souris

"You know nuthing, Jon Dichateme!"

Arent Hayes slipped off the Saardam as it unloaded the spice shipped by the Van der Berg Line via Amsterdam. His shaven head gleamed in the moonlight as he made for Montmartre; a few months at sea had whetted his appetites for a night out on the town. After that, a trip to the recruitment booths, conscious that his funds were limited after some unlucky dice at the hands of that crooked dwarf Isaak Larme. "A city of opportunities," as Sammy Phipps, his half-blind friend and mentor, reminded him before he set sail.

Lettre to Count Terence Cuckpowder
Please accept my humble thanks for the unexpected gift of entry to the horse race. I am a little peeved that I could not show you a better result for your invest[ment]. I am working on it.
† Octo Lucretious Souris

Poetry Corner

(All signed poetry submissions gain their author at least 1 SP)

An Ode to Chevalier-Cavalier:-
It was the best of times, now the worst of times, as we will no longer duel.
Good night, good night! Duelling is such sweet sorrow.
† Justin Thyme