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Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses
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Les Petites Bêtes Soyeuses

Being a correspondence game of En Garde! run by Pevans since April 1986 and now published as part of To Win Just Once.

If you'd like to play, you'll need to subscribe to TWJO (follow the link for details). You will need a copy of the rules to En Garde! - or at least access to a copy. The additional rules for LPBS are available as a PDF document. (You will need Adobe Reader to view this: it is available free from Adobe.)

Orders for January 1676 to LPBS, 180 Aylsham Drive, Uxbridge UB10 8UF or the LPBS orders e-mail address by 12th July 2024.

Game Report for December 1675

Sections: Duels, Trials, Appointments and Regiments, What happened in Paris, What happened at the front.

As the year draws to a close, there are still matters of honour that demand satisfaction. This is why Hugo Furst and Ian Dediette meet at dawn with freshly sharpened blades. In Hugo's case this is a chunky sabre (despite being a Fusilier), while Ian relies on his trusty rapier. Both men are slim and neither has a second, so it's all down to the difference in weaponry. Hugo slashes with his sabre, Ian lunges with his rapier - all very predictable. However, first blood is enough for Ian and he concedes.

This may be because he already has Gaston de Boum waiting to take him on. This is clearly an uneven fight as Gaston is a big fellow and Ian is already wounded. Again Ian faces a sabre wielded by an infantryman. And a man who is more skilled than he. The sabre slashes, the rapier lunges and Ian surrenders when he's hit.

The two injuries are enough that Ian declines to attend his third engagement, even though this is with the diminutive Jon Dicehateme. It would have been rapier versus rapier, too. Jon should have been fighting Hugo as well, but just sends a note apologising for the misunderstanding. Not something that improves his status.

Instead, Hugo Furst takes on Beau Nidle who, as a cavalryman, carries a sabre. He's also bigger than Hugo, has much greater expertise and turns up with two seconds, his regimental comrades Stephane Etrange and Thierry Boule. It all looks stacked in Beau's favour. But then he lunges with his sabre. This has the advantage of surprise, but the blunt tip of his sword does little damage. Hugo responds with a slash and Beau surrenders - another man who thinks he's duelling to first blood!

Meanwhile, Gaston de Boum has moved on to his second meeting. His opponent is Hugh Jeneaux, but they have to wait for Beau and Thierry to arrive as Hugh's seconds. Hugh isn't nearly as well-built as Gaston and is carrying an old injury. Hence, he opts for surprise, applying his boot to Gaston's beefy frame. What catches him out, though, is that his leg meets Gaston's blade coming the other way. The sword is mightier than the boot and Hugh is quick to concede the fight.

That's all for this month as Jean-Paul LeMon's absence means his duels are postponed. And Paris votes down Thomas de la Lune's challenge to Louis Renault 8:10 ("'Prize sow' sounds like a compliment," observes Greg de Bécqueur), Thomas's status suffers as a result.

A column of reluctant soldiers marches off to the beat of a bass drum labelled "France"Into action

Hugh Jeneaux has suggested that his superior officer in the Archduke Leopold Cuirassiers should quit, thus opening up an opportunity for promotion. Hugh uses what influence he has to make this happen, aided by Zeold von Tu who calls in a favour. However, Louis Severin Descartes is determined that this should not happen (as Quartermaster-General, he feels "this would be a waste of training and equipment already invested in the man") and adds his weight on the side of the Lieutenant-Colonel. So does "Tiny" Thierry Toothpick. Emboldened by their support, the incumbent stays on. However, Louis then proposes that he volunteer the regiment for active service. No pressure is exerted this time and the Lt-Col rejects the idea out of hand.

Whereas Louis Joseph Reignaux quite fancies spending the season in action. Or, rather, his bank balance does. While he may only be Lt-Colonel, his boss, Zeold von Tu, is currently serving as Guards Brigadier, so Louis mobilises the whole of the Cardinal's Guard.

Brigadier-General Thomas de la Lune commands no-one but himself, so gets fitted for a kilt and takes command of a battalion of the Royal North Highlanders.

The Dragoon Guards gain a new Major as new recruit Balzac Slapdash buys his way in. For the Crown Prince Cuirassiers there's just a new trooper after CO Ben e'Volence signs up a new face in Paris, Arent Hayes.

A colourless Santa has an idea and drinks a bottle of red wine that turns his outfit (and nose) redA two-week Christmas party

This month's social whirl consists of Toadying to the Minister of State to begin with, then hitting Bothwell's for either Louis Renault's postponed party (though Louis and Maggie still start the month by attending mass for the Feast Day of Saint Nicholas of Myra) or Jacques Hatt's rather smaller bash. After which, the only game in town is Louis Severin Descartes celeb¬rating Christmas in Bothwell's with lashings of mulled wine and gingerbread. (He's also dis¬pensing largesse - that is, cash - to several Parisians.) For two weeks. As the largest man attending, Hector William Boone is 'appointed' Père Noël and costumed in red, despite his protestations. Entertainingly, several people don't get Baron Renault's message and turn up early for his do - as do another couple for Sir Louis's gathering.

As Colonel of the Archduke Leopold Cuirassiers, Hugh Jeneaux feels persecuted on his visit to the Fleur. He has to exchange challenges with three members of Grand Duke Max's boys: Alvin Charles, Elroi le Flingue and Louis Severin Descartes.

Armand Alsace is the man in this position the following week in Bothwell's. As Colonel of the 53rd Fusiliers, he is picked on by Arent Hayes, Octo Lucretius Souris and Thibault Pinot-Noir, all of the Crown Prince's Cuirassiers. For some reason Octo has brought "boots and socks" to the party. While "Tiny" Thierry is dressed as an elf. Interestingly, he does not have his usual orange-painted entourage - apparently he's given them the month off as "I'm a nice employer!" Justin Thyme, head of the Queen's Own, takes the opportunity to propose a toast the late Michael Chevalier-Cavalier, despite being in his enemy regiment. "He will be missed by my blade," avers Thyme. "As I enjoyed our duelling times."

Frank X Change's presence in Bothwell's means he's swapping challenges with Zeold von Tu through most of the month. Yes, despite the Cardinal's Guard being in action, Musketeer Frank runs into the only member left in Paris (as Zeold is Guards Brigadier).

Camille de Polignac continues his habit of gambling his month away. First as Beau Reese Jean Seine's guest and then in the Fleur as a member. His first wager prompts a cut, but he then wins two and loses two to end that first week a few hundred crowns out of pocket. The next two weeks he wins three out of five, covering that loss four times over. His final week repeats the first: two wins, two losses and a cut. But he's still in profit across the month. And his social status is doing well, thank you.

Who was where - in the clubs


Where           Week 1           Week 2           Week 3           Week 4            

Fleur de Lys    TC + Kathy       CdP(G) + Morgane HDS + Justine    JJ + Jacky       

                BRJS + Chris                      GdB + Bette      HDS + Justine     

                . ZUT + Laura                     CdP(G) + Morgane GdB + Bette       

                . TPN + Angelina                                   CdP(G) + Morgane     

                . BN

                . JJ + Jacky       

                . HJ + Lois        

                . HF

                . JiT + Guinevere   

                . TTT + Sue         

                . YS + Sheila      

                . HWB

                . FXC + Frances     

                . SE + Thomasina   

                . HDS + Justine     

                . AlCh

                . JdA + Freda       

                . ElF

                . MdG + Fifi        

                . RS + Ther se     

                . LSD + Edna        

                . GdB + Bette       

                . CA

                . CdP(G) + Morgane     

                . JH + Cath        

                . LR + Maggie      

                BeV + Lotte       


Bothwell's                       FXC + Frances    FXC + Frances    FXC + Frances     

                                 JH + Cath        LSD + Edna       LSD + Edna        

                                 . FS + Pet       . FS + Pet       . FS + Pet         

                                 . ZvT + Lucy     . ZvT            . JiT + Guinevere   

                                 . LSD + Edna     . YS + Sheila    . ZvT

                                 LR + Maggie      . HWB            . YS + Sheila      

                                 . ZUT + Laura    . AlCh           . CA

                                 . TPN + Angelina . LR + Maggie    . LR + Maggie      

                                 . JJ + Jacky       

                                 . HJ + Lois        

                                 . HF

                                 . JiT + Guinevere   

                                 . TTT + Sue         

                                 . YS + Sheila      

                                 . OLS

                                 . AH

                                 . HDS + Justine     

                                 . JdA

                                 . AA

                                 . JD

                                 . GdB + Bette       

                                 . ID


Outside         TB (LR)          HWB (LSD)

                GdBm (LR)        AlCh (LSD)

                GdA (LR)


Hunter's        NM + Vera        BS + Alison      BS + Alison      BS + Alison      

                                 SE + Thomasina   TTT + Sue        TTT + Sue         

                                                  SE + Thomasina   SE + Thomasina   


Blue Gables     BLC                                                JdA + Freda       


Frog & Peach    PPuf + Viv       TB + Belle       TB + Belle       TB + Belle       

                                 PPuf + Viv       PPuf + Viv       PPuf + Viv         



Red Phillips                                      ID



Shows who was in or outside a club: . = Toady to character above;
(G) = Gambled; CP = Crown Prince; (id) = expected host.

Balzac Slapdash succeeds at his first attempt at courting. It seems Alison Wunderlandt was bowled over by his rendition of arias from Italian opera.

Who was where - with the ladies


Where           Week 1           Week 2           Week 3           Week 4            

Chris           Out              BRJS at home     MdG fails        BRJS at home

                                 MdG fails, I-Fifi                 MdG fails


May                                                                HF succeeds


Lois            Out              Out




Lucy            ZvT at home      Out


May                                               ElF succeeds


Alison          BS succeeds      Out              Out              Out

                                 CA fails


Shows who was with a mistress or on a doorstep: Out = Mistress with current lover;

I = Indiscreet (+ mistress name); EX-id = Pinched from former lover.


Who was where - round and about


Where           Week 1           Week 2           Week 3           Week 4            

Bawdy houses    AH + FC          BN + FC          HF + FC          HWB + FC

                JD               GdBm + FC: Mug 0 AA + FC          OLS + FC

                                 BLC + FC         CA + FC          AlCh + FC

                                                                   ElF + FC

                                                                   ID + FC

                                                                   GdA + FC


Practising      FS - Rapier      NM - Rapier      ZUT - Rapier     ZUT - Rapier

                JdG - Rapier     TC - Sabre       NM - Rapier      NM - Rapier

                BdLS - Dagger    JdG - Rapier     BN - Sabre       BN - Sabre  

                                 RS - Sabre       JJ - Rapier      HJ - Sabre  

                                 BeV - Sabre      HJ - Sabre       TC - Sabre  

                                 GdA - Sabre      TC - Sabre       GdBm (No cash!)

                                 BdLS - Dagger    JiT - Sabre      BLC - Sabre  

                                                  OLS - Sabre      JdG - Rapier

                                                  GdBm (No cash!)  AA - Rapier

                                                  BLC - Sabre      RS - Sabre  

                                                  JdG - Rapier     BeV - Sabre  

                                                  JdA - Rapier     JH - Sabre  

                                                  RS - Sabre       BdLS - Dagger

                                                  BeV - Sabre  

                                                  GdA - Sabre  

                                                  JH - Sabre  

                                                  BdLS - Dagger


Duties          OLS  (Reg't)                      AH   (Reg't)     AH   (Reg't)

                                                  JD   (Reg't)     JD   (Reg't)


Riding practice                                   TPN              TPN


At the Louvre                                     BRJS


Shows everybody else: FC = Female Companionship; Mug n = Mugged & amount lost;

(G) = Gambled; Weapon = Weapon practised with.

For those doing nothing: -club = not in a club; -Cash = insufficient funds;

-SL = insufficient Social Level.

Close and too close

The Cardinal's Guard arrives to bolster the Frontier regiments securing France's new possessions in the Low Countries. Unfortunately, they are attacked by Dutch cavalry before they can dig in and routed. Lieutenant-Colonel Louis Joseph Reignaux is one of those who falls beneath the horsemen's hooves. RIP.

In contrast, Brigadier-General Thomas de la Lune survives a close encounter with enemy musketballs while commanding part of the RNHB. This brings him a double Mention in Despatches ("That was close", "But he survived").